So you've been collecting Funko Pops or other related vinyl collectibles for years and are finally ready to sell your entire collection. You're serious about selling everything, but don't know where to begin. Here we'll provide a full guide on where you can start when selling your Funko Pop collection. Be sure to read the entire article as we provide some useful tips and tricks that can give you an edge when selling your vinyl figures.
Selling Funko Pops can be tricky. One person might find selling their Pops on an app to be easier (and net better results) while another might find Amazon to their liking. There is no universal place that works for everyone. This guide will provide a list of the best places to sell your Funko Pop collection based on your personal preferences.
Note that this guide on the best places to sell your Funko Pop collection is for entertainment purposes only. DO NOT USE OUR WEBSITE/BLOGS WHEN MAKING FINANCIAL DECISIONS. You should always do thorough research whenever you sell your Pops or other collectibles. Be sure to check for all of the pitfalls that come when selling your Funko or other vinyl collectibles online or offline (we offer opinions/tips on scams in this article as well).
If you're feeling overwhelmed and just need some opinions (for entertainment purposes only), then know that we offer any kind of personalized opinions you might need (completely free of charge). Also, note that our website shouldn't be used when making any decisions about buying or selling your collectibles. Make sure to consult multiple, reliable sources before buying or selling any collectibles.
If you want to cut out the hassle of finding a place to sell your Funko Pops, then be sure to contact our go-to Pop retailer, Toytastik. No collection is too large and they pay cash for all Pops. Note that they try their best to buy everything for a fair, cash price, whether you have a collection of 5 grails or 200 commons (or a mixture). Toytastik also covers the entire USA and can travel to you, so you don't always have to ship your collection. While they buy Pop collections, they would never pressure you to sell to them (they are known for their professionalism). You can contact Toytastik by emailing them at or you can visit their website.
If you're stuck and just need to be pointed in the right direction, know that we offer entirely free selling advice with no strings attached. Be sure to call, text, or email us with any questions related to your Funko collection and we'll do our best to help.
That being said, let's get to our guide on some of the best places to sell your Funko Pop collection.

Let's start with the most obvious place; eBay. We all know that eBay is one of the best marketplaces for collectibles, but is it for you? It depends on your situation. Are you in a hurry to sell your Funko collection? Do you want to put in the effort of selling each Pop individually or in smaller lots? These are important questions when considering eBay.
eBay offers auction or buy-it-now selling formats and the auction style is good if you're looking to sell stuff quickly. You can list a Funko Pop on a Sunday and have it end in a week (Sunday at 9 PM EST is usually the best time to end auctions). This would allow you to get the item listed, shipped out, and paid for within a couple of weeks. The problem with auction listings comes with the selling price. Buy-it-now prices are usually stronger than auctions as many buyers don't want to go through the hassle of bidding. We also find that Funko Pops might be hit-or-miss with auctions. You might not be happy with the final selling price, so be warned.
If you have something high-end, we suggest using extra caution with eBay. Make sure you use eBay's Global Shipping Program if someone from another country buys your Funko(s). This allows you to be covered in case the item goes missing. Also, be sure to add insurance and signature confirmation on any expensive Funko Pops you sell. And be sure to use pop protectors. The $1-3 investment can be the difference between a Pop being damaged or arriving safely.
The benefit of using eBay is that they cap their fees at $350. This means that if you sell an expensive Funko, then you'll be paying lower fees when compared to other venues. eBay normally charges a fee of about 13 percent for most sales, but that can vary depending on your store settings and other factors.
If you have some lower-end Funko Pops, then we suggest selling them on eBay in lots (ex: by genre or character). Selling individual Pops worth 5-10 dollars can be quite daunting as it can take a long time and if you have a big collection. Selling them in lots allows you to get rid of several Pops that normally would be difficult to sell individually. You can also do this if you have a collection of loose/opened Funko Pops.
Overall, if you're willing to put in some work, then we think that eBay can be one of the best places to sell your Funko Pop collection.

The Amazon Marketplace can be a great place to sell Funko Pops, but note that it is one of the more strict places to sell any collectibles. First, you should note that Amazon charges the highest seller fees. They charge a fee of over 15 percent for most toys (including Pops) that are sold in their marketplace. You also need to account for the seller fulfillment shipping fees (usually between $4 and $15).
Also, note that Amazon customers expect quality. This means that if you have Funko Pop with a slightly dinged package, then it's probably not a good idea to sell it on Amazon. This is because most customers don't want to buy anything that has even the tiniest bit of damage.
Amazon is also very particular about what sellers they allow in their marketplace during the holiday season. If you don't meet a certain threshold (which most sellers don't), then you'll be taken off the Amazon Marketplace in November and December. Generally speaking, some Funko Pops can sell for more on Amazon, but only if you're a well-proven, established seller. Good feedback goes a long way here.

Comic Cons can be a good place to sell your Funko Pops, and if you're up for the effort, then it may be something to try. This would allow the buyer to know exactly what they're buying (ex: they can inspect the box before buying). It can also allow you to sell dozens (or hundreds) of Pops without having to ship anything. Know that conventions can be a great place to sell Funko Pops, but you need to plan accordingly.
Our first tip is to make sure you're bringing items that correspond to the convention that you're selling at. If you're setting up at a comic book convention, then be sure to have Pops that relate to comic characters. If you're selling at a convention that focuses on anime, then bring anime Funkos (also understand that anime fans tend to be younger and thus have less money, so bring lower-end Pops). Try to focus on what you think the audience will like. This can be a big difference in sales.
Also, if you're doing a bigger convention such as New York Comic Con, then be sure to bring higher-end Pops, as buyers will be prepared to spend money. However, if you're doing a smaller convention, then it might be a good idea to bring lower-end Pops as most small convention attendees won't bring as much cash. This will allow for cheap impulse buys from people who are wandering around the convention.
You should also look into what the competition is doing at conventions. These days Funko Pop sellers are extremely common at cons, so if someone has a better presentation and has lower prices than you, then you might need to rethink your strategy. Bringing a good display and keeping prices low will help you get the edge when selling at conventions. A good location also goes a long way, so spend a little extra if possible, so you can be front and center.
You should also understand that conventions aren't cheap. Smaller conventions will cost about 50 to 200 dollars for a table/spot. Bigger conventions will cost anywhere from 200 to 2000 dollars for a booth. While the bigger conventions sound way more expensive, they'll get a much bigger crowd who might be willing to spend more money. A smaller convention won't cost much, but low sales will reflect that.
Finally, you should always prepare for theft and issues at conventions. Be sure to have multiple eyes on your booth and keep your high-end Pops in areas that are hard to reach. If you're taking credit cards and/or PayPal at conventions, then be sure to understand that chargeback scams are common and you might end up losing the money and the Pop(s) if this happens (we speak from experience).
Generally speaking, selling your Funko Pops at local conventions may be a great option for selling your collection if you're well prepared.
Selling Apps
Using apps for selling Funko Pops is one of the newer options on the list. Selling apps are becoming more and more popular and they can be pretty easy to use. You can sell just about anything on apps like Mercari and LetGo these days. Other apps such as WhatNot cater to the collectibles market and Funko Pops can sell for good money on there. Here we will discuss WhatNot as it's becoming one of the most popular apps to sell Funko Pop collections.
WhatNot is great, but before you can sell Funkos (or anything), you need to go through an approval process with the app. This usually means that you need to be a pre-established seller with a good social media following and online feedback (they check this stuff). If you qualify, then you need to start selling regularly on the app and build a customer base. Once you've built a good customer base, you can sell your Funko Pops for good money (sometimes higher than eBay). It's very important to have a lot of people watching your live sales. Generally, WhatNot is great if you can get through the obstacles that come with it. It's possible to sell 100 Funko Pops in one auction sitting (depending on your sales format and efficiency). This is great if you have a big collection that you're looking to sell or if you're looking to get into the collectibles business in general.
The WhatNot app might not be for everyone, but if you're a people person and a good salesperson, then we think it can be one of the best options for selling your Funko collection.

Local Funko Buyer
A local buyer is probably the fastest and easiest route when selling a Pop collection, but it might not net you as much as selling your Funkos individually on eBay. Before you decide to go this route, we should offer some extra advice.
First, don't take your Funko Pop collection to a comic book store. If you do this, then most stores will purposely offer low prices, because they'll know that you don't want to take the Pops home with you. The better solution to this is to have the buyer come to you (if possible). Also, make sure they're paying in cash. Some buyers will want to buy your Funko collection with a check, but we don't need to remind you that cash is always king.
If you decide to have a buyer come to you, make sure you've done your homework on them. DON'T EVER USE CRAIGSLIST. We can't stress this enough, but Craigslist has become a cesspool for scammers, so you don't want to sell any of your Pops there. We suggest looking online, researching, and finding a reliable Funko buyer with a good reputation and reviews. You can then have them make an offer on the collection. If you don't like the offer, then you can easily move on to the next buyer.
Overall, if you're looking to sell your Funko collection quickly and without hassle, then finding a local Pop buyer is your best option (just do some homework and find a good buyer).

There are plenty of Funko retailers, but one of the best places to sell your entire collection of Funko Pops has to be Toytastik. They have been in the Pop business from the start and pay top dollar for collections. They're always fair and professional, whether you're looking to sell a handful of grails or a collection of commons (or a mixture).
Toytastik has a stellar reputation and a great standing in the Funko community. They have a great passion for the hobby and you can find them selling Pops online (on places like WhatNot) or at conventions across the country. Those collecting Pops for a while might know that the Toytastik exclusive unmasked Wolverine is among the most valuable Funkos.
To sell your Funko collection to Toytasik, just contact them through their website or email them at If you have a list (or a link to your list) or photos of your Pop collection, then all you need to do is send them to Toytastik, and they'll get back to you with a quick, fair offer.
If you're looking for someone knowledgeable to buy your entire collection of Funko Pops, then Toytastik is your best route. Note that our endorsement of Toytastik is not paid/sponsored in any way, shape, or form. We genuinely think they're a good place to sell your collection of Pops. We've bought/sold with them several times over the years and the experience has always been pleasant.
Generally speaking, if you're looking for a good place to sell your Funko Pops, you're in luck as there are plenty of options these days. In the end, how you want to sell your Funko collection depends on your situation. If you're looking to sell your collection quickly and without hassle, then it might be easier to use a local Funko buyer. If you want to put in the time and effort, then it would be best to sell everything individually at conventions or places like eBay.
Here are some final bits of advice when selling your Funko collection:
First, make sure what you have is authentic as bootleg Funko Pops are extremely common. You can easily find Pops that are worth $500+ on eBay for $5-10 from sellers in China.
Second, make sure you provide detailed pictures of the package when selling online. Many Funko collectors expect the box to be in good condition and even the smallest scratch or ding can make a price difference. Invest in pop protectors if you're shipping Funkos. They can be useful and prevent shipping problems since we find Funko boxes to be quite flimsy and easy to damage. Also, don't forget insurance and shipping confirmation.
Third, if you've been collecting Funkos for a long time, then we suggest losing any kind of attachment to them. If you're too attached to any kind of collectibles, then it will become exceedingly difficult to sell them. The easiest way to get over this is to either sell one expensive Pop to get yourself started or sell everything in one shot. If you decide to sell your entire collection and are finding it to be too difficult, then we suggest keeping one or two of the lower-end Pops to help with the process if anything has any sentimental value.
Finally, whenever you're selling anything online or offline, then we always suggest keeping your expectations low. If you see someone trying to sell a Funko Pop that you own for $500 on eBay (or anywhere else), then don't assume that the Pop is worth that much. Look for what a Funko Pop in comparable condition to your item sells for consistently online. You should generally not expect to make bank when selling something like Funko Pops unless you have items like the SDCC Holographic Darth Maul (worth over $5,000 ea). Use the Pop Price Guide if you want to get values, but be careful not to rely on it completely as we sometimes find prices to be slightly off.
Note that any advice we give is for entertainment purposes only. You should always do a good amount of research before selling a collection of Funko Pops or any other collectibles. Be sure to consult multiple sources before selling anything or making any financial decisions. If you need any personal opinions (for entertainment purposes only) on your Funko collection, then know that we offer free appraisals/opinions. Call, text, or email us today if you're looking to be pointed in the right direction. Or you can fill out our contact us form if it's easier.