So you're in a bind and can't figure out where to sell your comic book collection. Look no further, because we're here to help. We understand that it can be tough to find good places to sell your comics, and sometimes a place that's good for one person, might not be great for another. In the end, it comes down to personal preference and what comics you specifically have. This article will provide a list of the best places to sell your collection of comics based on what you might own.
Note that any advice we offer (personalized or on this website) is for entertainment purposes only. You should always do thorough research when looking for a good place to sell your comic book collection. Make sure to consult multiple sources if you can (be thorough). DO NOT USE OUR WEBSITE WHEN MAKING ANY FINANCIAL DECISIONS.
If you need any help when selling your comic book collection, then understand that we provide completely free, no-obligation opinions (for entertainment purposes only). We're more than happy to point you in the right direction in regards to a collection of comics (we'd never pressure you to sell your comics to us).
If you ever want to save yourself the headache that goes with selling your comic book collection on other venues, then note that we buy comics. From a large collection of 90s comics to a couple of Golden Age books, we do our best to buy comics of all sizes and ages. We also pay fair, competitive prices for your collection and always pay cash. To make life even easier, we travel to you to cut down on the hassle. Be sure to give us a call, text, or email if you're looking to sell your comic book collection, and we'll get back to you ASAP. You can also fill out our contact us form if that's easier.
That being said, let's get on to our list of the best places to sell your collection of comics (aside from us).

Mycomicshop (Lone Star Comics)
One of the biggest comic book stores in the world, Mycomicshop has an almost completely digitized buying system. You can enter your comics into their database and see what kind of price they're willing to pay before you agree or commit to anything. If you're able to familiarize yourself with the system and have comics they're looking for (there are many comics that they won't buy due to overstock) then Lone Star Comics is one of the better options for selling your books.
They also have a great consignment system where they are willing to accept any individual ungraded comics (or lots) worth $50 or more (they accept graded comics worth $25 or more). Note that they charge a minimum fee of $7 for individual ungraded comics and $12 for comic lots (up to 10 comics can be included in a lot, anything more would be an additional $1 an issue). Their normal fee is 10% for ungraded/graded comics that sell for under $300 using their buy-it-now system, and 25% for comic lots. Their fees drop with higher-priced individual comics.
Once you send them comics for consignment, you can set the price or have the book(s) go into their weekly auctions. Setting a price allows the item to also be listed on eBay (in addition to the Lone Star Comics website).
While having Mycomicshop list your consignments on eBay may sound like a good thing on paper, it might not be for everyone. When Mycomicshop lists your comic on eBay, they will add the eBay fee to the price. So if you set the price at $300 on Lone Star Comics, then it will be listed for $339 on eBay. If it sells for $339 on eBay, then you will pocket $270, meaning that you have (somewhat indirectly) paid $69 in fees (10 percent for Mycomicshop and 13 percent for eBay). If you were to sell the comic on eBay yourself (for the same price of $339), then you would clear around $295 after paying only 13 percent to eBay (no additional 10 percent fee from Mycomicshop). This is something to consider before sending anything for consignment, as this doubling of fees can add up, especially if you have thousands of dollars in consignments (we speak from experience).
Also, make a note that Mycomicshop has one of the strictest grading systems we've ever seen. They do this to ensure that the customer is always satisfied with their purchase. This, however, comes back to hurt the consignor or seller. If you have a comic book that you think is a higher grade (ex: VF/NM, 9.0), then there's a chance that Lone Star will grossly undergrade it, sometimes at 2-3 full grades lower (ex: FN+, 6.5). This is pretty common with them, so if it's a dealbreaker, then we suggest going elsewhere to sell (or consign) your comic collection. Sometimes a consigned, undergraded comic might get a premium due to buyers expecting a higher grade than listed, but this is no guarantee. You shouldn't expect to get a premium price for an undergraded comic, as it is a good way to set yourself up for disappointment (again, we speak from experience).

Heritage Auctions
One of the best places to sell high-end comic books (through consignment) is Heritage Auctions. They accept all graded comic books, especially those that are rare and valuable. We've consigned a few times in the past using Heritage and the experience is always a pleasant one. There are a few things to note before sending anything to Heritage.
There is about a 10% fee on comics you sell on Heritage Auctions, which doesn't sound too bad. However, there's also a 20% buyer's premium (or a minimum of $30) on top of every sale. Here's an example. You sell an Amazing Spider-Man 361 on Heritage and it sells for $150, before the buyer's premium. Heritage then charges an extra $30 to that $150 sale, which is added to the final sale price. So the buyer pays around $180 before tax and shipping. You do not collect anything from this buyer's premium. You get around $135 for the sale. This means that you've paid around 25% in fees to Heritage (the buyer's premium is lower if you're selling something extremely expensive).
While the high seller fees can scare some potential consigners away, Heritage will negotiate their fees based on what comics you're selling. If you're selling standard Silver or Modern Age comic books, then you'll most likely be paying the full price. However, if you're consigning some high-end Golden Age comics, then you can get them down a bit on their seller fees. How much you negotiate will depend on the quality and quantity of the item(s).
As a point of reference, Heritage sells comics like X-Men 1 (1963) and Tales of Suspense 39 on almost a regular basis. They would most likely charge you the full fee if you're consigning comics along those lines. To get the lower fees, you need something that will excite them (ex: a big collection of high-end, high-grade Golden Age comics).
Also, note that ungraded comic books or lots aren't quite their specialties. If you have a few boxes of 1990s comics, then Heritage isn't your best option. We've also tried to consign vintage lots on Heritage and the fees were around 27 percent total. We also think the final selling prices for comic lots can be hit-or-miss at times. Expensive, graded comic books are what sell for good money on their venue.
Finally, if shipping your comic books to Heritage (located in Dallas, TX) is an issue, then know that they have multiple offices in places such as Manhattan where you can drop off your comics or other collectibles.
Generally speaking, despite higher fees, Heritage Auctions remains one of the best options to sell your valuable comic book collection (through consignment).

Selling old comic books on Amazon isn't usually recommended as we don't seem to get many sales. We do, however, think that Amazon can be great for selling trade paperbacks. If you have a big collection of unread graphic novels, then Amazon might be a great place to sell them. We notice that some hardcover and softcover trade paperbacks can sell for more on the Amazon Marketplace than any other selling venue.
Just make sure the trades you're selling are in perfect condition. Amazon customers expect top quality and if you're selling trade paperbacks that are dinged or imperfect, then you'll probably have to deal with some unsatisfied customers/returns. If the trade paperback was originally shrink-wrapped, then be sure to note the condition of the wrapping if present.
Also, note that Amazon requires sellers to meet a certain threshold when selling in the holiday months of November and December. If you don't meet the sales requirement, then you will be taken off the Amazon Marketplace in those months. Finally, you should note that good feedback goes a long way on Amazon, and a high rating can help sales tremendously. If you don't have a good standing/feedback in the Marketplace, then your sales will reflect that.

Comiclink is another long-running comic book consignment shop that is similar to Heritage Auctions. They hold regular auctions, but also have a comic book exchange section that allows you to list comics for set prices (a feature that Heritage also has, but doesn't push).
We like Comiclink, but unfortunately, we notice that sales from their auctions can be somewhat on the lighter side when compared to Heritage. While certain comics can do well on Comiclink, many don't sell for as much as Heritage (at least from what we've seen).
Comiclink has the same approach as Heritage with the items they accept. If you have some higher-end, graded comics, then they'll happily take them for consignment. They'll also negotiate the seller fees based on the comics you're selling. They're located in the NYC area and accept consignments at comic conventions all over the country.

There are plenty of apps for selling your comic collection, but the best app we've seen is WhatNot. This app features live sales and just keeps growing in popularity. WhatNot is not only great for selling comic books, but many other collectibles such as Funko Pops, video games, and cards. If you're able to build your name on this app, then note that WhatNot can be quite useful for selling a collection.
We notice that the best comics to sell on WhatNot are foil covers and comics featuring popular characters (ex: Venom #1). If you have the right items and a good following then you can get prices that are much higher than any other venue selling comics on WhatNot. Generally speaking, if you're someone with boxes and boxes of 1990s comic books, then consider making an account with WhatNot, but before you do, note that there is a process to opening a seller account.
When you contact the app about opening an account they will most likely ask for your social media, eBay profile, Amazon profile, and other credentials. They will then check these and provide approval based on their discretion. The approval process can be difficult, but once they give you the ok, you'll be able to start live sales.
You probably won't be able to sell much on WhatNot when you first start, and it will take some time to build a reputation, but if you're able to find a steady customer base, then you'll be able to make good money. You can sometimes sell dozens (if not hundreds) of comic books in one sitting for good money (depending on your formatting and efficiency). We should also advise that since WhatNot is live sales, it will require you to have your personality on full display. If you're not a people person, then we would advise against selling comics on this app.

SubZero Comics
We normally don't include ourselves on these lists, but we've been selling comic books for over 10 years and have been collecting for over 30 years. We are lifelong comic book nerds who just love everything about the hobby (reading, artwork, collecting, etc). If you're looking for someone passionate about comics, who can pay a fair price for your entire collection, then give us a call, text, or email. Note that we also travel to you, so you don't need to move anything or worry about labor.
We at SubZero Comics know all comic books (new and old). If you don't believe us, be sure to check out our feedback across all platforms. You'll see that customers are very happy with selling their comic book collections to someone who loves the hobby.
To best thing about selling your comics to us is that we are here to help you. We genuinely enjoy pointing people in the right direction. If you just need an appraisal for your comics, then we can help, completely free of charge. We would never pressure you to sell your collection to us, and our approach makes many customers feel at ease. Let us know what help you need with your comic collection and we will do our best to accommodate. We also have tons of price guides on our site that can help.

Comic Connect
Comic Connect is owned by Metropolis Comics and is a popular consignment shop for selling comics and other collectibles. They work similarly to Heritage, but the difference is that they also accept some lower-value comic books. They're pretty active on the convention scene as well and accept drop-off consignments.
Comic Connect has a similar structure to Heritage in which they add a buyer's premium of 15% to the final sale price. This means that if someone buys something for $100, then they will be paying $115 (the $15 will not go into the consigner's pocket). The consigner also has to pay another seller's fee (similar to Heritage).
Note that of the 3 major comic book auction houses, it can be hard to say which nets the best results. Certain comics have sold better on Heritage, while others have done better on Comic Connect. The seller fees for the 3 can be pretty close and if you have something valuable, you'll find that all 3 will negotiate competitively.

eBay is a good place for selling comics if you're willing to put in the labor. What makes eBay such a good option is that you can sell pretty much anything on there, from individual $1 comics to $50,000 comic book lots. eBay seller fees aren't too bad at around 13% and they cap their fees at around $350 (these numbers vary based on your eBay store settings). Note that while eBay isn't a bad option for selling your comics, several problems come with selling your collection there.
Selling comics on eBay puts all responsibility on you. This is where a ton of problems arise. You have to deal with returns, scammers, damages, and other issues. We've had plenty of comics worth hundreds that were lost, damaged, or stolen by scammers, despite our years of experience. This is why we usually don't sell any comics over a certain value on eBay, as there is just too much risk involved.
In regards to damages; you can prevent damage to any comics you sell on eBay by packing well. Invest in good boxes, and don't buy anything flimsy and cheap. You can buy boxes that are specifically made for shipping comics (we use T-Shippers, which are sold through Diamond Comic Distributors). If you're shipping bigger lots, then be sure to buy quality boxes from places like Uline. Also, be sure to use bubble wrap and kraft paper to ensure the comics are well protected and aren't moving around in the box. If you sell anything expensive, then be sure to double box.
In regards to scammers and lost packages, you can be careful, but sometimes there's little that can be done. This is something you just need to account for. Make sure to add insurance and signature confirmation whenever possible as they can make a difference. Also be sure to use eBay's Global Shipping Program for international sales, which can help. Overall, eBay is great for selling all kinds of comics, but you need to be careful and expect some issues at times.

We love using HipComic. It's a relatively new platform for selling comic books, but it's easy to use, especially if you're already using eBay, as it can be used in conjunction.
HipComic has a great system that allows you the link your eBay account to your account with them. What does this mean? Well, simply put, whatever you list on eBay automatically gets listed on your HipComic store as well. This allows for a very easy, hands-off approach when selling your comics on their platform. Their monthly store fee is reasonable as well. If you're looking for something to supplement selling comics on eBay, then it doesn't hurt to open a HipComic store. You'll find that you can sell some books on HipComic which might not sell on eBay.
As an alternative, you can sell in the HipComic auction. It works similarly to the Mycomicshop auction, but you directly ship your items (as opposed to sending your items to a third party). HipComic also runs great promotions which offer cashback to customers who buy using their platforms (ex: spend $1000 and get $300 back). This can be pretty useful if you're selling expensive comics on their platform.

Local Comic Buyers
If you want to sell your comic book collection in one go, then one of the easiest options is to call local comic buyers or stores. Most buyers will pay one bulk price for your entire collection and take it off your hands, leaving you with only cash in your pocket (don't ever accept checks). If you just want to get rid of your comic collection and don't want to deal with the headache and labor that comes with selling individual comics or lots, then selling to a local buyer is the best route. It can be tough to find the right buyer for your comic book collection, but here are some tips.
First, don't take your comics to a store. Most stores won't make fair offers if you bring a collection into their shop, because they know you're a captive audience. This essentially means that they will purposely make a low offer on your collection because they're aware that you don't want to take the comics home with you. A way to avoid this is to find reliable comic buyers (through reviews and thorough research) and possibly have them come to you. This puts the ball in your court and you can easily decline any offers that aren't to your liking since nothing has been moved.
To find a comic collection buyer, you can scour the internet and send emails or call anyone who you think fits the bill. Look for good reviews, but don't make that the only source of research as reviews can be faked. We suggest that you get on the phone and talk to serious comic book buyers. This will allow you to see what kind of knowledge they have and if they're well versed in what you're specifically selling.
Talking to someone on the phone can also be a good way to get a gauge on the kind of person you're dealing with. You can sometimes tell how trustworthy someone is by talking to them. Also, if you're not sure about a comic book dealer, then you can always ask online forums (such as the CGC and CBCS forums) if anyone has dealt with them. The more reliable dealers will usually have happy customers who are more than willing to give their praise.

This is another newer selling venue, and what sets MySlabs apart from other comic selling sites is their minimal seller fees. They charge only 1% for selling graded comic books on their site (which is almost unheard of). While they haven't been around long, we see that they've been making a major effort to increase their customer base. If you have graded comics that you'd like to sell and want to pay minimal fees, then MySlabs doesn't hurt to try.
If you're selling your comics through other places (ex: eBay, HipComic), then you can easily list those same comics on MySlabs and see how it goes. This venue only has a set price system (no auctions), and you can price your comic(s) however you'd like. You can also sell cards (graded or wax boxes) on MySlabs.
Note that you can only sell graded comics on MySlabs, and they require an approval process before you can start selling on their site. You also need to make sure to take good pictures when listing an item on MySlabs. We noticed that sales are relatively slow on this venue, but this is mostly because it's new. The low seller fees generally make MySlabs an easy place to try out if you're on the fence.

Online Forums
There are plenty of comic book forums that allow you to sell completely free of charge. Some of these venues include the CGC and CBCS forums. These online venues have become great place for collectors (new and old) to come together and discuss comics as well as buy, sell, and trade books.
The CGC forum is free for all members, and you can easily post individual comics or lots for sale. There are also sections of the forum that help with grading if you don't know how to grade individual comics. We say this because you're required to provide a grade and a picture when selling on the CGC forum. You also can't sell anything on the forum that is posted elsewhere (ex: if a comic is listed for sale on eBay, then it has to be removed before you can sell it on the CGC forum).
The good thing about selling on forums such as CGC and CBCS is that there is a large community of collectors that can help and provide any advice you need before you list anything for sale. You can ask for grades, comic selling advice (ex: how to price), and other opinions from veteran collectors, and it's all completely free of charge.
While you can sell any comics on places like the CGC forums, we find that rare Golden and Silver Age comic books sell the best. Common modern comics and lots don't sell too well unless they're priced to move.

Places to Avoid
As a bonus, we've decided to add an extra section to our article that provides a list of the places to avoid when selling your collection of comic books. While there are plenty of good places to sell your comics, the places listed here should be avoided. Generally speaking, you can find better places to sell your comic collection.
Craigslist. Once upon a time, Craigslist was a great place to buy and sell comics and collectibles. But in this day in age, it's become a cesspool for scammers and con artists. We suggest that you keep far away from Craigslist as it's not worth the headache.
Antique Shops. We find that antique shops can be an option for selling your comic book collection, but their lack of knowledge can make them questionable. Most antique shops don't specialize in comic books, so they'll pay the same price whether you have a $10 comic or a $10,000 book. We've found tons of $100+ comics in the dollar bins of antique shops, which means that the store probably paid pennies for each of those comics. The same can be said for pawn shops and thrift stores. You should avoid selling comics to these places, as there are plenty of better options. You generally want to find someone knowledgeable, so they can give you a price based on fair market value.
Comic Buyers That Ask You To Ship Comics. So here's the deal. If anyone asks you to ship comics to them (and isn't on our best places to sell comics list), then they should be avoided. There are lots of comic buyers who will tell you to ship your comics to them and they'll pay you via PayPal. They'll sometimes make abnormally high offers to drop your guard. When they receive the comic they'll make up a myriad of excuses to give you a fraction of what they originally offered. They can also open a PayPal dispute and you can be out the comic(s) and the money.
This is a pretty simple bait-and-switch trick that you should avoid. Mailing your comics to anyone who isn't on this list is usually a bad idea. There are lots of better places to sell your comics, so be careful not to fall for this scam. If you're still stuck and can't figure out where to sell your comic collection, then just ask us and we can do our best to point you in the right direction (completely free and no-strings-attached).

It can be tough to sell a collection of comics, but it doesn't have to be. If you're careful and have a game plan, then things should go much smoother. If you're stuck and don't know where to even start with selling your comic collection, then consider talking to an expert and exploring your options. It never hurts to ask for opinions. Just be sure to speak with someone who knows about all kinds of comics (some experts only know about modern comics and vice versa). If you need us to point you in the right direction, then just contact us and we'll do our best to help.
Note that any opinions that we offer (on our website or personalized) are for entertainment purposes only. Always make sure to do thorough research before buying or selling comics (or any collectibles). If you need any personalized opinions (for entertainment purposes only), then be sure to give us a call, text, or email. We offer completely free opinions and appraisals, with no-strings-attached (we never pressure you to sell to us). If you ever want to cut out the hassle that comes with selling a collection of comics, then be sure to contact us. We travel to you, pay cash, and make fair and reasonable offers for your comic book collection.