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A Value Guide to 1990s Image and Valiant Comic Books

Writer: SubZero ComicsSubZero Comics

Updated: Jan 17, 2023

So you just found a stack of comic books from the 1990s. In the stack, you see plenty of comic book characters you've never heard of. You think that these comics are somewhat old and have to be worth money. Well, if you see the words "Valiant" or "Image" in the upper left corner, then you're probably out of luck. We hate to break it to you, but most comic books printed by Image, Valiant, Topps, Malibu, Crossgen, and most other indy publishers from the 1990s are usually worth little to nothing.

This might lead you to ask why? Why are Valiant, Image, and other indy comics from the 1990s worth so little? Well, this is what we're here to answer. Here we'll provide a guide for Image and Valiant comics from the 1990s as well as answer the question of why most of these comics are worth almost nothing.

If you've found a collection of 90s comic books published by Image, Valiant, or any other independent publisher from the period and want to know the values, then be sure to contact us for a free appraisal. But before you pick up that phone or start typing that email, know that your Image or Valiant comics from the 90s are VERY UNLIKELY to have any kind of value. We made a guide below as to which Image and Valiant comics from the 90s have some worth. While the guide is not all-inclusive, it covers a majority of valuable 1990s comics from both publishers.

Note that due to market volatility, we have decided to remove all prices from our guides. If you see something on our lists, then be sure to check eBay's sold listings to find comparable books to yours. Basically, you can use this guide for entertainment, but don't use it for anything more than that. And if you don't agree with any prices you find online, then you're welcome to sell your comics for whatever you'd like.


If you ever want to sell a collection of comic books, then know that we buy comics, from Image to Marvel (and everything in between). We buy comics from the 30s thru today, whether you have a collection of 7 Golden Age comics or 5,000 1990s comics. We pay cash to travel to you. Be sure to give us a call, text, or email if you're ready to sell your new or old comic book collection.

That being said, let's get on to the reasons why Image and Valiant comics from the 90s have little value.

Turok 1 from Valiant
Turok 1

Why Are Image and Valiant Comics Worth So Little?

So you still have that stack of Valiant comics and are wondering why they're worthless, while there are other comics out there worth thousands (or millions). The answer can be broken down into 3 parts. The first comes down to demand.

There isn't much demand for 90s Image or Valiant comics today as they just don't have a fanbase. There are a small handful of collectors who are into the nostalgia of 90s comics, but we find that the supply of these comics far outweighs the demand. This brings us to our next part; supply.

Valiant and Image comic books were printed by the hundreds of thousands (in some cases millions), and they were well preserved by those looking for good investments. That led to a massive influx of supply that is still around today. Some of the more significant issues such as Spawn 1 can be worth a few dollars, but most Valiant and Image comic books aren't significant, making them worthless. That brings us to our last point; importance/significance.

So why is a Detective Comics 27 (1st Batman) worth millions of dollars while your Ninjak 1 is almost worthless? Let's forget about supply/demand here and just focus on significance. Everyone knows and loves the Batman character and the fans will always pursue the historical first appearance of the character. Most people haven't heard of a character like Ninjak (or most Valiant characters). Characters from Valiant can be quite niche and are usually limited to a small fanbase. Significance essentially equals demand.

So to sum it up, you need a low supply, high demand, and significance to have a comic book worth serious money. Most 1990s Image and Valiant comics can't check off any of these, making them worthless today.

Armorines 1 from Valiant
Armorines 1

What 90s Comics From Image/Valiant Are Worth Money?

While a large majority of Image and Valiant comic books from the 1990s are worth little to nothing, there are a small handful of issues that have some value. Below we have listed the 25 most valuable Image and Valiant comics from the 90s. Note that the prices listed are for VF (8.0) condition copies (we find most 90s comics are in VF to VF/NM condition).

We don't list any comics from other publishers here. Be sure to check out our other list of the 100 most valuable comics from the 90s if you want more insight into other comics. If you feel like you have an Image/Valiant comic that's worth grading, then be sure to have it evaluated by a professional. Most Image and Valiant comics from the 90s are only worth grading if they are CGC 9.8 grade.


Spawn 1

First Appearance of Al Simmons (Spawn)

Spawn Comics from the 1990s are overprinted and common, but there's still a demand for the character today. Note that the regular edition of the comic has a print run of 1.7 million, but the newsstand has a print run of 100k. The newsstand version can sell for more money but is by no means rare (the newsstand version has a barcode on the lower left). There are a few variant covers of Spawn 1 that can sell for money. There is also an error version of Spawn 1 that was printed without black ink that can sell for thousands. Don't expect to find the error, as it can be quite rare.

Spawn 1 from Todd McFarlane
Spawn 1

Spawn 77

First Wings of Redemption Spawn

Spawn comics from the early part of the run are relatively common. However, as interest dwindled, we would see print runs shrink. This comic doesn't have a small run like issues that would come later, but it's still a must for Spawn fans. Also, note that the newsstand edition for this comic can be tough to find and sell for more (that goes for many Spawn comics).

Spawn 77
Spawn 77

Harbinger 0 (Pink Cover)

Mail Away Variant Cover

This comic was a special mail-away variant and can be tougher to find. Note that there is also another version of Harbinger 0 with a blue cover, but that has almost no value.

Harbinger 0 Valiant
Harbinger 0 Pink Variant

Harbinger 1

First Harbinger Team

Harbinger 1 is considered to be one of the most valuable Valiant superhero comic books. While the book isn't tough to find, it can still sell for good money in higher grades. Note that this issue came with a trading card and a coupon in the centerfold. If you are missing those from the comic book, then the value drops quite a bit.

Valiant Harbinger 1
Valiant Harbinger 1

Stormwatch 4

First Midnighter and Apollo

The latter part of the 1990s experienced a big decline in comic sales. Print runs weren't what they were in the earlier part of the decade. This led certain key issues like this one to be worth more on the aftermarket. Stormwatch 4 has the first appearance of Midnighter and Apollo who has been popular characters among the LGBTQIA+ community. The book isn't worth big money but can sell for some cash in higher grades.

Stormwatch 4 First Midnighter and Apollo
Stormwatch 4

Malibu Sun 13

First Spawn (in Preview)

This issue features the first appearance of Spawn in a preview. Today, Spawn has become a popular character in the comic community and many consider this to be the first true appearance of the character. There is also an error of Malibu Sun 13 that has Spawn in green on the back cover. The error sells for significantly more online.

Malibu Sun 13, 1st Spawn in Preview
Malibu Sun 13

Maxx 1/2

Blue and Red Test Logo Variants (Rare)

The red and blue logo variants for the Maxx 1/2 by Wizard were sold through Wizard's website for $50 but seemed to be limited to only about 10 copies each making them extremely rare. Please note that the blue looks close to the purple which has almost no value. There is also a gold logo variant worth some money.

Maxx Test Logo Variant
Maxx Test Logo Variant

Maxx Yellow Ashcan

Hard to Find, Other Versions Exist (Also Have Value)

There were a few versions for this ashcan, but the yellow version is the most difficult to find (limited to 500 copies). Please note that the other ashcans (with different color covers) aren't as valuable, but still have some worth.

Maxx Yellow Ashcan
Maxx Yellow Ashcan

Maxx 35

Final Issue

This issue has a lower print run, which makes it tougher to find. The Maxx character has a following in the comic book community. Those who are looking to finish their run need this comic to finish their set. Issues 30-34 also have some value, but this one has the most worth. If you have a complete set of Maxx 1-35, then we suggest selling them together as they can net a few hundred dollars as a group.

Maxx 35 Final Issue
Maxx 35

Darker Image Red Ashcan

First Appearance of the Maxx

The regular versions of Darker Image are mostly worth nothing (except the Platinum for issue 1), but this red ashcan has a good amount of value due to its limited run.

Darker Image Red Ashcan
Darker Image Red Ashcan

Darker Image 1 (Platinum Edition)

First Appearance of the Maxx

While most versions of Darker Image 1 don't have any value, the platinum foil variant of this book has some value since it features the first (non-preview) appearance of the Maxx.

Darker Image 1 Variant
Darker Image 1 Platinum

Battle Chasers 1

Another Universe Variant Cover

This variant cover of Battle Chasers 1 (exclusive to Another Universe) has 2 different versions which have the tattoo in gold or red. They're both worth about the same price.

Battle Chasers 1 Another Universe Variant
Battle Chasers 1 Variant

Deathmate Orange Variant

First Gen 13

There are plenty of Deathmate comics out there, but the orange variant is the most desirable. The gold and black variant also has some value. The other covers from this comic aren't worth more than a couple of dollars

Valiant's Deathmate Orange Variant
Deathmate Orange Variant

Gen 13 1

Rolling Stones Homage Variant Cover

This variant cover features an homage to the Janet Jackson Rolling Stones cover, making it have some cross-appeal among collectors. Note that there are other variants from the first issue of Gen 13 (and a couple of other issues) that also have some value, but this is the most desirable. The "Lin-Gen-Re" variant is worth about the same as this variant.

Gen 13 Rolling Stones Variant
Gen 13 1 Variant Cover

Savage Dragon 40

First She-Dragon (Variant)

Savage Dragon 40 features the first appearance of She-Dragon by Erik Larsen. Please note that the regular cover isn't worth as much as the pictured variant cover.

Savage Dragon 40, 1st She Dragon
Savage Dragon 40

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 23 (Image)

Last Issue, Low Print

Many Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics from the 90s featured low print runs for their later issues, and this is no different. That makes it sought after by TMNT fans. This run is generally tough to find and you can get a few hundred dollars if you sell the set as one lot.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 23

Unity Preview Red Logo Variant

Hard to Find Variant

Many consider the Unity title to be a turning point in Valiant as we would see an increase in print runs and gimmick issues. The regular blue logo version of Unity has no value, but the red logo version is worth some money.

Valiant Unity Preview (Red)
Unity Preview (Red Logo)

Danger Girl 1

Campbell Chromium Go-Go Variant Cover.

This Go-Go Chrome variant cover from J Scott Campbell was limited and anything that was limited and featured art by Campbell usually goes up in value. This series is a fan favorite, partly due to its art.

Danger Girl 1 Go-Go Chrome Variant
Danger Girl 1 Chrome Variant

Danger Girl 2

Ruby Red Variant Cover

Following the previous entry, we have another limited J Scott Campbell variant cover. This one is the Ruby Red variant which features a red logo. Note that there are a few versions of this cover with different logos and all have some value, but this version has the most worth. Be sure that you have an original as this cover has been reprinted.

Danger Girl 2 Ruby Red Variant
Danger Girl 2 Ruby Red Variant

WWF Wrestling Comics

Hard to Find

Valiant released a few comics in conjunction with the World Wrestling Federation, These comics have some cross-appeal and are a little tougher to find today, making them valuable.

WWF Valiant Comic
WWF Out-of-the-Ring Challenges

Nintendo Comics

Hard to Find

While Valiant's superhero comics aren't worth much, their earlier comics feature characters from Nintendo (Mario, Zelda/Link, etc), and those have value. This is because these comics have cross-appeal with video game collectors. If you have anything that's Valiant and Nintendo, then be sure to look up the value as you might have something worth some money. Some of the earliest preview issues can be worth hundreds (one is pictured below).

Valiant's Nintendo Comics System Preview
Nintendo Comics System Preview

Gold Logo Variants

Slightly Lower Print Runs

Some Valiant comic books from the 1990s were printed with a gold logo on the upper left corner. These comics are a little tougher to find, and there's a small collector's market for them. If you have anything with a gold logo, then be sure to look it up.

Eternal Warrior 1 Gold Variant
Eternal Warrior 1 Gold

Acclaim/Valiant Issues

Lower Print Runs

Towards the end of Valiant's run, they were purchased by the video game company Acclaim. This led to a few classic video games like Turok and Shadowman. The comics produced in this period also had lower print runs. The individual issues aren't worth much, but if you can put together sets (ex: Magnus Robot Fighter 1-18), then you will be able to sell them for some money. The final issues from these titles can be especially tough to find.

First Issue of Acclaims X-O Manowar
X-O Manowar 1 (Acclaim)

Final Issues

Lower Print Runs

The final issues of most titles usually have lower print runs. This is because sales were lower (which is why the title ended). If you have final issues of certain Valiant titles, then you might have something worth a few dollars. However, we suggest you keep any sets together (ex: Bloodshot issues 1-47). While individual issues of titles such as Turok as pretty worthless, you can sell the set of issues 1-47 for $100-150. This also allows you to get rid of the entire set in one shot (as opposed to being stuck with individual issues).

Final Issue of Turok
Turok 47

Are 90s Image and Valiant Comic Books Good Investments?

First, we want to start by saying that WE DO NOT GIVE INVESTMENT ADVICE ON OUR WEBSITE, but we will share our personal experiences from collecting and selling comic books for years.

So we get this all the time. Someone hears that their 90s Valiant comics are worth little to nothing, and tells us they will hold them for another 10-20 years in hopes that they will go up in the future. This is your comic collection and you can do what you want, and all we will say is that you should look up past sales data on these comic books (do as much research as possible).

We've also had some customers ask if a future movie will help these comic books increase in value and we regret to inform everyone that there has already been a Valiant movie starring Vin Diesel (Bloodshot). The movie caused the comics featuring the first appearance of Bloodshot to see a slight bump in price, but a less-than-stellar performance in theaters caused the comics to drop right back down in price.

Generally speaking, we personally haven't done much investing in Valiant comic books. That being said, there might be other people investing in Valiant comics. It's hard to say what will be worth money in the future, so all we can say is to do your research and be as thorough as possible.

Supreme 1 from Image Comics
Supreme 1 Image Comics

But I Saw My Image and/or Valiant Comic(s) Selling for $900 on eBay

This happens all the time. We get a call from someone selling comic books and they say that they want $900 for a random Image or a Valiant comic book. We hit the brakes and ask where they came up with this price. They then tell us that they saw the same comic selling for $1,000 on eBay. Here is where we have to remind you TO BE THOROUGH IN YOUR RESEARCH.

We stress this in all of our blog posts/guides, but please don't go online, search one source, and think of it as gospel. If you have a random Image or a Valiant comic book, the chances of it being valuable are slim and if it isn't on the list we've provided, then chances are that you're out of luck (our list isn't all-inclusive, but still is a good starting point when looking for valuable 90s Image and Valiant comics).

If you find a random issue of a Valiant comic (or any comic book for that matter) and want to get an accurate price for it, then here's what you need to do. Go on eBay and type in the name and issue number of the comic you have. Then check off "sold" listings. You will then see listings in green to show a sold price. This will indicate what the comic is selling for. Make sure you sort the listings by the most recently ended (not the highest).

Here's what you shouldn't do:

  1. Don't go on eBay and search for graded comics when your comic isn't graded. This is number one because if you do this, your hopes will go sky high and you'll end up very disappointed.

  2. Don't search for asking prices. A seller can price a comic for whatever they want, and it means nothing. Sold prices are the only gauge for values.

  3. Don't assume you have a "mint" condition copy, because there aren't many comics that are "mint". The highest most comics will get is a 9.8 and even that can be tough. We find that most 90s comics are in 8.0 to 9.0 condition.

  4. Don't think that a comic book that is in a bag/board is more valuable. Comics are expected to be bagged and/or boarded. If you have comics that are in bags, then it won't add or make any difference in value.

  5. Don't assume that 1 sold listing means your comic is worth that price. Be careful when searching for sold listings on eBay. Make sure to check for multiple sold books that match yours. We say this because one fluke sale might throw you off. There are also plenty of people who fake sales to manipulate the market. If you don't believe us, then just look up Beanie Babies on eBay and you'll see what we mean.

X-O Manowar 1 from Valiant
X-O Manowar 1

If you ever need some personalized advice or our opinion on your collection of comic books, then be sure to let us know. Please note that we try our best to help customers with zero obligation to sell to us (we are here to help you). We just ask to keep things respectful as we are constantly the bearer of bad news (which can be tough).

Also, note that any opinions we offer to you (personalized or on our site) are for entertainment purposes only. Do not rely on our website when selling your comic collection. You should always consult multiple sources before selling your comic books (or anything). This is a long way of saying that you shouldn't use the opinions of a single blog as your sole means of information.

If you have a collection of comic books you're looking to sell, then be sure to let us know. We buy comic collections, from Golden Age to the Modern Age. Be sure to give us a call, whether you have thousands of Valiant comics from the 90s or a dozen books from the 40s. We travel to you and pay fair, cash prices for your comic book collection. Be sure to give us a call, text, or email with any comic book questions you might have.


Prophet 1 from Image Comics
Prophet 1 Image

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