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Why should you sell your comics or collectibles to us?
If you want to sell your comic books, games, or toys locally without the worry of scams or any other issues that come with selling your collection online, then we are the best solution.
We offer very competitive prices and always pay cash. Many others places will not pay cash for comics (they'll often pay with a check). We also have a passion for comic books, toys, and games, which other buyers do not. Most buyers will want to buy your collection because they want to make a profit. There is no love for the hobby (we've spoken to many sellers who have never even read a comic in their life). We buy comic books because we love the hobby and are lifelong collectors.
We also give you fair, honest, and most importantly free appraisals for your comics if you're just looking for advice. Some places want to buy comics and offer no sort of free advice or an appraisal. We can give you an appraisal on anything related to comic books, toys, or games free of charge.
Other comic book buyers will only buy books from the 1970s and older, but we buy all comics! This includes books from the 80s, 90s, and 2000s (yes, we buy new comics)! In most cases, we also travel to you and pay you cash on the spot for your comics, toys, games, or collectibles.
Many comic book stores have very little knowledge about what people are selling and will pay you pennies for something that is worth $1 or $10,000. This is what we feel greatly separates us from others. We have been lifelong collectors of comics and toys (we keep a lot of what we buy), and we still actively play video games. This passion allows us to have an advantage in terms of knowledge that sets us apart.
Have a collection of comics, toys, or video games that you have come across and don't know if it's worth selling? Just call or email us to ask. In most cases, no collection of comics, video games, or toys is too small or big for us. We have been buying collectibles for years and buy all collections.
Many people in the past have sold to us because they value our honesty, courtesy, and straightforwardness.
We've come across some people who have become overwhelmed when trying to sell their comics or other collectibles and sometimes they may need help. Some buyers want to sell their comics quickly and get a fair price. If this is the case with you, give us a call. We'll help you with any information you need, free of charge and hassle-free.
Where do we travel?
SubZero Comics covers most of the USA and can travel to almost any state, depending on the size of the comic collection. We can be anywhere in the northeast very quickly (usually within a day).
If you're located outside of the northeast, then don't worry, we have comic, toy, and video game buyers all over the country and can have someone come to you within a few days. Not sure if we would be interested in traveling to you? Give us a call. We might be interested! We buy comic book collections of all sizes and values.
Have a collection of old comic books and feel overwhelmed?
Give us a call, and we can give a fair, friendly, and most importantly FREE appraisal and tell you exactly what you should be able to get for your comic, toy, or game collection.
Do you have any questions or are you interested in selling your comics or collectibles? Call or text us toll-free, anytime, 7 days a week (973) 931-1471 or email subzerocomics@gmail.com
Our Latest Comic Book Purchase
Recently we were emailed by a very friendly gentleman (we respect your privacy and won't ever post your name on our website) located in the upstate NY area who wanted to sell comics and toys. After a few emails and pictures, we decided it would be best if we were to make an offer on his collectibles in person. He collected mostly DC-related comic books, toys, and statues with a small amount of Marvel as well. He wanted to sell all of his comics, toys, and games (board games) in one shot. The comic books he was selling were mostly from the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. They were kept in good condition.
He knew the value of his statues and toys, but he did not know the value of the comic books he was selling. We were able to give him a fair comic book appraisal based on grade. The books were mostly low-value, but we were fair in our assessment. Most of them were complete sets and so we paid based on the value of the comic runs (ex: Infinity Gauntlet #s 1-6). The comic seller was pleased with our honesty and how we pay cash for comics (no checks or PayPal).
While looking through his books, we noticed a great-looking Flash Comics 67 from the Golden Age and put that aside. That book was the one that clearly stood out when assessing the collection (great cover). We put a grade on the book of VG and were able to check for any kinds of restoration or major issues, and we noticed none. A deal for the comic was made separately from the others, so the seller would get the maximum amount from his comic book collection. We later sent the comic for CGC grading and our grade turned out to be accurate.
This story can be used as an example when selling your comic books. We pay cash for comics, which was much easier than dealing with shady forms of payment (ex: check). We also provide free appraisals, so the buyer could have completely declined, but we provided an honest approach and he was happy to get cash for comics on the spot. We are also local comic buyers, so this made it easier since we were able to meet with the buyer within a few days (we work with your schedule, of course). If you want to sell comics, toys, or video games, please be sure to give us a call at (973) 931-1471.
Does Genre Matter in Regards to the Value of Your Comic Books?
You might be wondering how important genre is when selling your comic books. A basic answer to this is: genre is extremely important to comics. A superhero comic book from the early 1960s has much more potential of being valuable when compared to a Classics Illustrated comic (we consider Classics Illustrated comics to be more history/literature books with pictures and not really comics in the same sense).
Here is a quick and easy-to-understand guide on all of the comic book genres and how each stands in terms of value.
Cartoon Comics
This is one of the most common genres for old comic books. Many people who are trying to sell comic books (at least old comics), will usually have a good amount of these. Some of the titles include Four Color Comics, Walt Disney Comics and Stories, Uncle Scrooge, New Funnies, Archie Comics, and many more.
Cartoon comics were published more in 1930 thru the 1960s and eventually they would see a decline. They would not completely end. Titles such as Simpsons Comics (which just recently ended), Adventure Time, and many others became popular among collectors over recent years.
Unfortunately, older cartoon comics are not very desirable due to many characters not being as popular today (ex: Woody Woodpecker). If you have a collection of cartoon comics, be sure to call us for an assessment.
Archie Comics 19
Western Comics
Western comics rose to fame towards the end of the 1940s and were popular in the 1950s and 1960s. Some of the titles include Tim Holt, Gene Autry, Lone Ranger, and more. Western comic books experienced a decline when the movies started to do the same.
In the 1970s thru the 1990s, western books such as Jonah Hex sold, but eventually, even those were canceled (Jonah Hex rarely appears in comics today).
Many people will try to sell comics that are western, but unfortunately, western books are not valuable. If you want to sell western comics, then please note that they will most likely be difficult to sell, as many who collected westerns in the 1950s, are now older and do not collect anymore.
Tim Holt 17
Horror Comics
Horror comic books gained popularity starting in the late 1940s and have really been popular since then. The genre has changed a good amount over the years, but there has always been a fanbase. Some popular early horror titles include Tales from the Crypt, Marvel Tales, Strange Tales, and many more.
Some popular horror titles from the 1970s were Marvel Chillers, Dead of Night, Where Monsters Dwell, and Adventure into Fear. In the modern era titles such as The Walking Dead kept the genre very popular.
If you're looking to sell horror comic books, be sure to understand that age is important. If it is an older horror comic then it might be valuable. Also, know that the title is important when selling horror comics. If you have questions or want to sell comics from this genre, be sure to contact us.
Giant-Size Creatures 1
Comics Based on TV, movies, and other media
Comic books based on TV, movies, as well as other media have been printed since almost the beginning of the medium. A popular title that printed TV-related comics was Four Color as well as companies such as Gold Key (Star Trek, etc).
Today comics based on TV, and movies are still printed, but they are not as popular as they once were.
If you are selling old comic books from the TV, film, or movie genre, please note that most of these have little value, and are not the most desirable among collectors. This is because the genre focuses on older movies and TV, most of which are not popular with the younger generation of readers.
Power Rangers 1
Superhero Comics
The most well-known genre of comic books is definitely superheroes. Most people, young or old, have heard of at least one major superhero. Titles include Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, X-Men, and thousands more.
When selling your comic books, this genre will likely be your best bet for value. Superhero comics (namely Marvel and DC) are most likely to be worth money in comparison to the other genres. However, this does not mean that if you have these comics, that it's guaranteed money.
It is likely that if you have newer superhero comics, then they won't be worth too much (email us if you're overwhelmed). If you have old comics to sell, that are from this genre (the 1970s and older), then there is a chance that the comic is valuable. If you're not sure how to assess or sell your comics, be sure to call or email us for advice.
Fantastic Four 56
Are Older Comics More Valuable?
So you might be wondering when selling your comics. Are older comics worth more? This one has an easy answer. Yes. Older comics are worth more on average. HOWEVER. You must consider what we wrote above as well.
If a comic book is old AND it is a superhero comic (the name of the hero matters too) that is in good condition, then there is a good chance that the comic is worth more than a few dollars. However, this is still not guaranteed.
The next question you might have is: "what qualifies as old in comics?" Think of it the simplistic way. Anything from the 1930s-1960s is considered the be old and worth more. While 70s comics aren't considered extremely old, many are starting to classify them as such.
If you have anything after the 1970s, then chances are that it is not worth as much, because it is considered modern. A modern comic from the 1980s and 1990s might not be worth much unless you have an issue of significance.
You might think that comics from the 1960s are worth a good amount, but please remember this is not always the case. If you own a comic that has no significance then it will likely be worth less than a significant comic from the 1980s or 1990s. See the comics we have provided for an example of this.
If you would like to sell your comic books and have older comic books, then it can be difficult to assess if the book has value, because the content is what matters. If you're selling comics from the modern age, then it is likely that the books aren't going to be worth much, but there may still be books of significance that can have value (compare it to looking for a needle in a haystack).
Fantastic Four 59 published in 1967 is valued at about $100 in higher grades (most copies you will find are not high grade and go for $15-20)
Batman 608 (2nd print) published in 2002 is a $250 comic book in higher grades
Which Companies are Most Likely to Have the Most Valuable Comics?
Aside from grading (which we have provided a guide for here). The final question you need to ask yourself when selling your comic books is "does manufacturer matter when selling your comics online or offline? Again, this is a relatively simple answer. It does matter when you take average values into account.
If you have comic books from the 1930s thru the 1950s, then the manufacturer may not be as significant in regards to value (a DC comic and a Fox Features comic from the early 1950s both have value). However, if you have a comic that was published later than that, then it will matter much more.
In the 1960s, it started to become clear that there would be 2 major comic book manufacturers: Marvel and DC. Many companies that were around from before that (Dell, Gold Key, Harvey), would go out of business within the next few decades, and new companies such as Valiant, Dark Horse, and Image would emerge in the 80s and 90s.
You might ask yourself are Image and Valiant comics worth anything? Sadly, most comics published by "independent manufacturers" (basically any that aren't Marvel or DC) from the 1980s and up are usually worth little to nothing. There are a few exceptions to the rule, but once again, we equate it to looking for a needle in a haystack (see examples).
Now to continue. Which comics are worth more on average: Marvel or DC? This has become clear in the last 5-10 years. Marvel is emerging as the victor in the fight for comic supremacy, and their books have a bigger chance of being worth more. This is mainly due to the popularity of their movies. Does this mean DC comics are worthless? Of course not. It just means that Marvel comics are more likely to have value. If you have questions about comic values, be sure to call or email us for free comic advice.
Carnage Mind Bomb 1 (Marvel) sells for about $40 in higher grades
Canto 1 from IDW (independent publisher) sells for $150 in higher grades
A Full Checklist On How to Sell Your Comic Books
Below you will find a full checklist on what to do (and not to do) when selling your comic books. This is done in an easy-to-understand checklist format. This can be used whether you want to sell your comics individually or as a whole. The list is in no particular order.
Check how old your comics are. Use our valuing guide on how to check the approximate age of your comic books.
Do a count on how many comics you have. A long comic box (25" long) holds 250-300 comics, while a short box (10" long) holds 125-150 books.
Check the condition of your comic books. Use our grading guide.
Check for titles of major characters (Spider-Man, X-Men, Batman, etc).
Check which companies are predominant in the collection (DC, Marvel, etc).
Create a list of some of the titles and issues you have (this is completely optional).
Look up local buyers online (DO NOT TAKE YOUR COMIC BOOKS TO THEIR STORES).
Look up online selling venues you like (eBay, HipComic, etc). This is if you're looking to sell comics individually.
Find a price guide if you want to price books individually (this process can be extremely tedious, so it is completely your choice). GoCollect is one of the easiest to use.
Organize your books by character. It is not necessary to put them in complete numerical order, but it would make things easier. This process can be tedious, so do it in any way you feel comfortable.
Try to separate old and new comics (1960s comics separate from the 1990s comics). This depends on how you organize. If you want to do it by character then this way might not work.
Go to your local shipping store or post office to look for shipping supplies. This only applies if you plan on selling your comics online.
This continues with number 12. If you plan to sell comics online, be sure to research shipping rates.
Look and see if you have any complete sets and runs (ex: issues 1-25 of a title).
Look for any covers that stand out to you. This sounds like an odd thing to look for but sometimes a cover that stands out could be valuable.
Look at our section on the most valuable comics to see if you have anything from there.
If you are looking to sell your comic collection as a whole, then be sure the buyer is willing to come to you.
Be prepared to lift boxes or have someone do it for you. If you sell them as a whole to one buyer, then it's expected that they do all the lifting.
Research fees from online selling platforms (ex: eBay, Heritage).
If you find any comics of value consider an auction house (Heritage, Comiclink). Please note that consignment fees are usually higher than selling it yourself.
Research tax laws and brackets.
If selling a comic collection as a whole, look up the buyer you are selling to online. Find any reviews on their business and maybe their online stores as well (be careful with fake reviews).
If you have lower-value books and want to maximize your profit, consider selling them at a flea market or a local convention. Please note this will take a good amount of time and labor. You might make sell $100-200 at a small show, but it will take hours of work.
Continuing from #23, consider how much labor you want to put into selling your comics. Sometimes the labor required isn't worth the time you have put into selling.
If you're moving and are not sure about taking your comic books with you, consider how much it will cost to move them.
If you're thinking of holding your comic books and leaning against selling, consider the space they take up (and if it costs money to store them). Then think is it worth the extra value they will gain over the time you hold them?
Some comic stores/buyers will tell you to mail comics to them and they will send you money via PayPal or mail. DO NOT DO THIS. We cannot stress this enough. There are only a few companies to trust when mailing your comics (Heritage, Comiclink, etc). DO NOT MAIL YOUR COMICS TO SOMEONE WITHOUT A THIRD PARTY INVOLVED (ex: eBay).
Think about how much you're looking to get. Now forget that number completely. This is because you shouldn't have expectations in regards to prices when selling a collection.
Look into grading comics if you feel like you have something of value.
To continue with #29. Research grading fees from places such as CGC and CBCS.
If you find your comics aren't worth anything then consider donating them to charity. Most will offer a tax receipt.
If you have comics that you find aren't valuable, then consider giving them away locally. We find giving out comics on Halloween to be a great way to encourage reading among youth. You should check if the comics are age-appropriate before giving them to anyone.
Before selling anything discuss it with your family and loved ones, to see where they stand. This should be obvious, but it is very important.
Consider buying some comic supplies to make it easier to sell your books. This includes comic boxes, bags, boards, etc. If you already have older boxes and bags, those work as well.
If you're ever in a bind and just need advice or a comic appraisal and just want to skip all this give us a call. We will give you a free appraisal on your comics, and provide any advice you might want. (973) 931-1471
Common Mistakes Made When Selling a Comic Book Collection
It can be easy to make mistakes when selling your comic book collection. This can be hard to avoid, however we have provided a guide below. This guide provides insight on what to avoid when selling your comic books.
When selling a collection of modern comic books, many people will start making a list of what they have. This list is used to make it easier for a comic book store or local buyers to understand what the person has. Please note that while this is helpful, it is usually unnecessary in most cases. If you have a collection of modern comic books, then it is usually just easier to have the person who is interested in buying the comics come to you and look at the books in person, and make an offer based on what they see. Making a list is usually not worth your time, since many modern comic books do not have much value.
When some people sell their comic books, they have a misconception about what old is in the world of comics. An old comic books is usually something from the 1930s-1960s (the 1970s can be debatable). Comic books from the 1980s and up are not usually considered to be old. This usually isn't a big problem, but when talking to someone about selling your comic collection, it's better to know the classification to prevent any confusion with both parties.
When selling a comic collection, some sellers will pack all their boxes into their vehicles and take them to their local comic book store. We cannot stress this enough, but please do not do this. If you take your comic books to a local store, it is very likely you will accept any offer they make. This is because you have already done most of the work and taken them to the local comic book dealer. You will likely not want to take them back home. Most comic books store owners know this and will usually use it to their advantage. Before going to your local comic book store, explore your options, and make sure to call around. It is better to find reputable comic buyers and have them come to you. This will put much less pressure on you and allow you to easily decline any offer you don't like.
Sometimes when selling comic books many sellers will misunderstand the condition of their comics. If speaking to someone on the phone, then please understand that the term "mint" should not be used very often in comic books. Many comics are not going to be extremely high grade, and a trained eye will be able to find small flaws that make the book imperfect. If you are selling your comics, just be sure to try and keep grades out of the equation until the dealer has seen the books. If they ask for grades just do your best to describe the average grade and mention any rips, tears, folds, and creases you might see. The buyer should be able to figure out the grade based off that.
Lower your expectations when selling your comics. This one was discussed previously as well, but we need to make sure that it is well understood. Sometimes you might look up a particular comic that you have and see that the same book graded by CGC at 9.8 is being sold for $100 online. At that point you may think that you are into an absolute gold mine, as the rest of the books you have are surely in the same range. This is where you need to stop and think about a few factors. Has the comic the person is selling online sold? Will your comic book grade the same? How consistently is the comic book selling for at that price? These are all major factors to consider. In most cases, you will find that you do not have a comic that is in 9.8 condition and the book you thought was worth $100 is actually worth about $2-3, and most dealers will offer even less than that when buying bulk. This shows that you need to lower your expectations when selling your comics, because you might be disappointed if you expect too much.
There are some comic book dealers that are not local, and will tell you to mail you a few of your rare or valuable comics and they will pay you after the books have been received via PayPal or check. Please know that we strongly suggest that you refrain from doing this. Mailing your comic books to even a reputable comic book dealer can be a gamble. Many well known comic book dealers will tell you they will pay a certain amount for the book based on grade, but when they receive the comic, they will tell you the grade is much lower than it is so they can get it at a discount. Since you do not have the book in front of you anymore, you have to take their word for it and just take whatever they want to pay. Please, try to sell your comic books locally. Do not mail your comics, even if you feel like the person is offering you more than anyone locally.
When selling comic books, many times a buyer will ask how many comics you have in total. Some sellers will say "a lot" without realizing the term is relative. A good amount of comic books to someone who doesn't sell them regularly might be a small amount to someone who often buys them. Just note that a long comic book box holds about 250-300 comics and a shorter box holds 125-150 comics. That would be the easiest way to count your books and determine if you have a good amount or just a few.
You might go through your comic books and see that some of them have shiny or holographic covers. Please note that those are not going to be your valuable comics. Those are books created with a special cover to sell more copies, and will more likely be worth less. A valuable comic book will usually feature the first appearance of a character (ex: Tales of Suspense 39 is the first appearance of Iron Man). If you have the first appearance of a character the book might look like any other, so this is when you might need to do research or ask an expert. If you ever find yourself in a bind when selling your comic book collection, be sure to give us a call or text at (973) 931-1471 for free advice.
Are Your Comic Books a Good Investment/Worth Keeping?
You might be asking yourself if your comic books are worth keeping? Or should you just sell them now? Now, this is an important question to ask yourself prior to selling your comic collection. Here we will provide our knowledge on what might be a good long-term comic investment and what comics might be good to simply sell now. Please note, that this is our opinion and if you decide to sell your comic books, then you should do your research and understand that it takes a good amount of knowledge to greatly understand what you might need to do with your books.
Check the age of your comic book or comic book collection. Are they published in the 1960s or older? Or are they from the 1990s? If the comics were published in the 1980s and up, then it will be considered a modern comic and will be less likely to be an investment, due to the high print runs. If the comic book was published in the 1970s or older, then there is a chance that the book has a slightly lower print run and might be harder to find, making it a better investment.
We've covered this in our previous sections, but what content does your comic book/comic collection entail? When selling your comics, content is king. If you have an older comic from the 1960s, that features a western hero, then it is less likely to be a good investment, as there does not seem to be any kind of movement on the western genre in pop culture. This means a book that is not relevant will not be a good long-term investment unless the general sentiment behind the subject matter changes.
Which manufacturer/company is this comic book/comic book collection you are selling from? Do you have comics from Dell? If so, then they will likely be bad investments based on our previous example. If the individual comic book or collection you are selling is Marvel or DC from the 1960s and older then you have a much bigger chance of having a comic that is a good investment.
You have older comic books that are Marvel or DC but can't figure out if what you have is a good investment. The next topic of consideration would be how relevant is the character from the book? Do you have Lois Lane comics from the 1960s? Or do you have Amazing Spider-Man comics from the same time period? This makes a massive difference as whatever is popular in current times will most likely remain popular in the future. If you have Spider-Man comic books from the 1960s, then you should be in a good place in regards to investment.
Now, just because a comic book character is relevant and you've heard of them, doesn't mean it is worth something. A copy of Batman 195 in VG condition is worth about $25 and is not likely a good long-term investment, because it is just a random issue that has no significance. This brings us to our next point. Is the comic you are selling of any significance (ex: 1st appearance of a major character)? Significant comics, or in comic collecting terms a "key issue" is what most experts invest in.
You have found an older comic of significance from Marvel/DC, now what? Well, now you look at the grade. Generally speaking, higher grade comic books are better in terms of investment and return, as most serious collectors prefer higher grades. If you have a lower grade, then it may still be a good investment, it just isn't as good as investing in a high-grade comic book.
This next part can be tricky. Do you have a book that is slightly significant, but you personally believe is underpriced? An example of this would be a Fantastic Four 52. This comic book was worth only a few hundred dollars in a higher grade for many years, but with the Black Panther movie, the comic exploded in price due to the popularity of the character. Be careful with speculation and only do so if you have very little money into the comic and feel you possess a good amount of knowledge on them.
If your comic meets all the criteria above, then it is likely to be a good investment and it would not hurt to keep it long-term, as most significant, high grade, older comic books featuring important characters have gone up over time, and rarely have experienced any kind of decay in price. The next issue that arises is to find these specific issues in your collection, which will prove to be difficult. If you need help with an appraisal or selling your comic books, then be sure to call us at (973) 931-1471 for free advice.
Why Sell Your Comics Locally?
Finding a local comic buyer is important for various reasons. Let's create a scenario that helps better understand the situation.
Say you are looking through your parent's attic and find a few boxes filled with older, horror and western comic books. You think that these comic are old, but still look to be nice and possibly gradable, but with your limited knowledge of the hobby you think that you need to talk to an expert.
You then need to consider that talking a local comic buyer will make the process much easier and you'll be able to show the buyer the books in person without any kind of pressure or obligation to buy. If you try to sell your comics to someone online, then it might be difficult because grade and condition is difficult to assess without looking at the comics in person.
Finding a local comic buyer (or someone willing to travel to you) is also important because you can simply shop around for the best comic buyer in the area without any type of confusion. Also having someone appraise your comic book collection in person is much easier than it would be online.
Below is a list of some DC Comics titles to look for while searching through your comic book collection. A local comic buyer will be able to tell you which issues from these titles have value.
Action Comics
Adventure Comics
All American Comics
All-Flash Comics
All-Star Comics
All-Star Western
Batman (all related)
Black Lightning
Boy Commandos
Brave and the Bold
Challengers of the Unknown
Crisis on Infinite Earths
Dark Knight Returns
DC Comics Presents
DC Special
DC Superstars
Detective Comics
Doom Patrol
Doorway to Nightmare
Forever People
GI Combat
Gotham City Sirens
Green Arrow
Green Lantern
Harley Quinn
House of Mystery
House of Secrets
Jonah Hex
Justice League of America
Karate Kid
Kingdom Come
Madame Xanadu
Masters of the Universe
Metal Men
Mister Miracle
More Fun Comics
My Greatest Adventure
Mystery in Space
New Comics
New Gods
New Teen Titans
Omega Men
Our Army at War
Our Fighting Forces
Phantom Stranger
Plastic Man
Power Girl
Rip Hunter Time Master
Sea Devils
Secret Origins
Secret Six
Secrets of Haunted House
Sensation Comics
Sgt. Rock
Star-Spangled War Stories
Strange Adventures
Suicide Squad
Super Friends
Superman (all related)
Superman Family
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen
Swamp Thing
Tales of the Unexpected
Teen Titans
Unknown Soldier
V for Vendetta
Weird Worlds
Witching Hour
Wonder Woman
World's Best Comics
World's Finest
Weird War Tales
Western Comics
Young Romance
Below is a list of some Marvel Comics titles to look for while searching through your comic book collection. A local comic buyer will be able to tell you which issues from these titles have value.
2001 Space Odyssey
Adventures into Terror
All Select Comics
All Winners Comics
Amazing Adventures
Amazing Fantasy
Amazing Spider-Man
Astonishing Tales
Black Panther
Black Goliath
Captain America
Captain Marvel
Captain Savage
Chamber of Chills
Chamber of Darkness
Conan the Barbarian
Creatures on the Loose
Crypt of Shadows
Dead of Night
Devil Dinosaur
Doc Savage
Doctor Strange
Fantastic Four
Ghost Rider
Howard the Duck
Incredible Hulk
Iron Fist
Iron Man
John Carter
Journey Into Mystery
Jungle Action
Kid Colt Outlaw
Kull the Conquerer
Logan's Run
Luke Cage Hero for Hire
Machine Man
Man Thing
Marvel Chillers
Marvel Feature
Marvel Mystery Comics
Marvel Premiere
Marvel Preview
Marvel Spotlight
Marvel Tales
Marvel Team-Up
Masters of Kung Fu
Millie the Model
Miss Fury
Monsters on the Prowl
Ms Marvel
Mystery Tales
Omega the Unknown
Patsy Walker
Red Sonja
Red Wolf
Savage Tales
Sgt Fury
Shogun Warriors
Silver Surfer
Special Marvel Edition
Spectacular Spider-Man
Star Wars
Strange Tales
Strange Worlds
Tales of Suspense
Tales to Astonish
Tessie the Typist
Tomb of Dracula
Tower of Shadows
Two Gun Kid
USA Comics
Vault of Evil
War is Hell
Werewolf by Night
What If?
Where Creatures Roam
Young Allies
Below is a list of some Independent Comics titles to look for while searching through your comic book collection. A local comic buyer will be able to tell you which issues from these titles have value.
Adventures into Darkness
Air Fighters Comics
Air Pirates Funnies
Airboy Comics
All New Comics
All Top Comics
America's Best Comics
Atomic Comics
Authentic Police Cases
Battle of the Planets
Beetle Bailey
Big Shot Comics
Blue Ribbon Comics
Boy Comics
Brenda Starr
Brick Bradford
Buck Rogers
Bugs Bunny
Captain Aero Comics
Captain Marvel Adventures
Captain Marvel Jr
Casper the Friendly Ghost
Catman Comics
Cerebus the Aardvark
Champ Comics
Classics Illustrated
Crime Does Not Pay
Crime SuspenStories
Crimes by Women
Daffy Duck
Destroyer Duck
Dick Tracy
Doll Man
Donald Duck
Exciting Comics
Famous Funnies
Fantasy Quarterly
Fight Comics
Fighting American
Forbidden Worlds
Four Color Comics
Gene Autry Comics
Ghost Rider (1951)
Ghostly Tales
Green Hornet
Ha Ha Comics
Hangman Comics
Haunt of Fear
Headline Comics
Hit Comics
Hollywood Romances
Hopalong Cassidy
Hot Stuff
Jackpot Comics
Jumbo Comics
Jungle Comics
King Comics
Little Lulu
Lone Ranger
Looney Tunes
Mad Comics / Magazine
Magic Comics
Marvel Family
Master Comics
Mickey Mouse
Military Comics
Mystery Men Comics
National Comics
New Funnies
Planet Comics
Police Comics
Prize Comics
Red Ryder Comics
Richie Rich
Sad Sack
Seven Seas Comics
Smash Comics
Speed Comics
Suspense Comics
Tales from the Crypt
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Terrific Comics
Tim Holt
True Comics
Two-Fisted Tales
Vault of Horror
Walking Dead
Walt Disney Comics & Stories
Weird Science
Whiz Comics
Wings Comics
Wonder Comics
Zap Comix
Below is a list of some of the toys we buy. Please note, that these are just examples of toys and statues we buy, and we buy much more than listed below. If you have questions regarding your toy collection, be sure to contact us.
Marvel Legends
Funko Pops
DC Universe Classics
Sideshow Collectibles
Bowen Designs Statues
McFarlane Toys
Masters of the Universe
GI Joe (vintage)
Star Wars (vintage)
Marvel ToyBiz
DC Super Powers
MEGO (all types)
Video Game Related Toys
Marvel Select
Marvel Universe/Infinite
DC Infinite Crisis
Gundam Models
DC Direct / Collectibles
Hasbro WWF
Kotobukiya Statues
Toynami Action Figures
Mortal Kombat Figures
Street Fighter (all types)
First 4 Figures
Prime 1 Studios Statues
Iron Studios Statues
XM Studios Statues
Palisades Toys
Anime Related Figures
McFarlane DC Multiverse
Mattel DC Multiverse
McFarlane Anime Figures
MASK (vintage)
Spider-Man Animated
Vintage Tin Toys
Banpresto Mario Figures
X-Men ToyBiz Figures
McFarlane Spawn Figures
Figma Imports (various)
Funko Dorbz
Funko Hikari
Funko Sodas
Star Wars Black
GI Joe Declassified
Shocker Toys
Moore Collectibles
Diamond Select Statues
Figpins (various)
Attack on Titan Figures
My Hero Academia Figures
Hot Wheels (various)
Hot Toys (various)
McFarlane Horror
NECA Horror
Thundercats (vintage)
WWE Jakks Figures
WWE Mattel Figures
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Toys
Legend of Zelda Toys
Planet of the Apes (vintage)
Batman Animated Series
Batman DC Super Heroes
Dragon Ball Z Figures
Kenner 1990s Toys
ToyBiz 1990s Toys
Star Trek Toys
Medicom Toys
Captain Action (vintage)
GI Joe (1960s)
Aurora Models (various)
Lionel Trains
Vintage Robot Toys
Power Rangers (vintage)
Power Rangers (new)
Shogun Warriors
Transformers (vintage)
Transformers (new)
Beanie Babies
Batman Movie Toys
Mattel DC Movie Masters
Marvel Movie Toys
Mezco 1:12 (various)
Mezco Living Dead Dolls
Barbie Dolls
Monster High Dolls
Vintage Dolls
Spider-Man Classics
X-Men Classics
Spider-Man Movie Toys
Spider-Man Origins
Fantastic Four Classics
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Simpsons Toys (various)
Below is a list of some of video games we buy. Please note, that these are just examples of video games we buy, and we buy much more than listed below. If you have questions regarding your video game collection, be sure to contact us.
Super Mario Bros (all)
Legend of Zelda (all)
Resident Evil (all)
Mortal Kombat (all)
Street Fighter (all)
Metroid (all)
Batman (all)
Spider-Man (all)
X-Men (all)
Marvel vs Capcom (all)
Star Wars (all)
Atari 2600 Console
Super Nintendo Console
SEGA Genesis Console
Nintendo Console (original)
Playstation Console (all)
Xbox Console (all)
TurboGrafx Console
SEGA Nomad Console
SEGA Dreamcast Console
Nintendo GameCube
SEGA Game Gear
Nintendo GameBoy (all)
Nintendo Wii Console
Nintendo Switch
Nintendo 64 Console
Halo (all)
Devil May Cry (all)
Castlevania (all)
SEGA Saturn Console
SEGA CD Console
SEGA 32x
Virtual Boy
Nintendo DS
PC Games (no digital)
Robocop (NES)
TMNT Tournament Fighters
Final Fantasy (all)
Chrono Cross
Shadow of the Colossus
Chrono Trigger
Parasite Eve
House of the Dead (all)
Tekken (all)
Fatal Frame (all)
Sonic the Hedgehog (all)
Metal Gear Solid (all)
Snatcher (SEGA CD)
WWF/WWE games (all)
Superman 64
Super Smash Bros (all)
Shenmue (all)
Dark Souls (all)
Onimusha (all)
Dino Crisis (all)
Toe Jam and Earl (SEGA)
Yakuza (all)
Call of Duty (all)
GTA (all)
Last of Us
Uncharted (all)
Batman Arkham (all)
Friday the 13th (NES)
Silent Hill (all)
Yoshi's Cookie (NES)
Donkey Kong (all)
Duck Hunt (NES)
Streets of Rage (all)
Red Dead Redemption (all)
Monster Hunter (all)
Dragon Quest (all)
Pokemon (all)
Tomb Raider (all)
Paperboy (NES)
Dynasty Warriors (all)
Max Payne
Power Rangers (all)
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Tetris (GameBoy)
Golden Axe (SEGA)
Altered Beast (SEGA)
Shadow Dancer (SEGA)
Virtual Fighter (all)
Killer Instinct (all)
Crazy Taxi (Dreamcast)
Simpsons (all)
Wolverine (all)
SEGA Master System
Imported Game Consoles
Dragon Ball Z (all)
Doom (all)
Wolfenstein (all)
Maximum Carnage
Justice League Task Force
The Sims (all)
Dragon's Lair (NES)
Twisted Metal (all)
Dead Rising (all)
WCW Revenge
Do you have other collectibles, and you're not sure if we are interested in buying them? We buy all types of collectibles, and below you'll find a complete list of what we buy.
Comic Books (vintage)
Comic Books (modern)
Action Figures (all)
Statues (all)
Video Games (all)
Cards (sports)
Cards (non-sports)
Manga (all)
Trade Paperbacks (all)
Books (vintage)
VHS Tapes (sealed)
Wrestling Collectibles
Sports Memorabilia
DVDs (sealed)
Comic artwork (original)
Dolls (vintage)
Toy Trains (all)
Hot Wheels (vintage)
Collectible Figurines
Beanie Babies
Vintage Magazines
Handheld Games
Collectibles Prints/Lithos
Anime Collectibles
Vinyl Figures
Funko Pops
Imported Comics
Imported Action Figures
Coins (vintage)
Stamps (vintage)
Autographed Memorabilia
Vintage Clothing
Modern Limited Clothing
CDs (sealed or opened)
Cassette Tapes
Military Collectibles
Historical Collectibles
Cassette and CD Players
Recording Equipment
Sneakers (vintage)
Sneakers (new)
Toy Trucks (vintage)
Vintage Ad Signs
Pulps (vintage)
Board Games (vintage)
Vintage Denim
Coca Cola Collectibles
Disney Collectibles
Arcade Machines
Need a quicker, pocket-sized guide for selling your comic book collection? Look no further, because we have you covered. Here are some basic and easy to understand tips you can use on how to sell you comics.
Don't sell comics on Craigslist
Sell your comics locally
Accept only cash for your comics
Don't mail your comics
1990s comics are not old
1980s comics are not old
1960s comics are old
Most comics are common
Have buyers come to you
Check sold comics on eBay
Grading comics is expensive
Cover price shows comic age
Learn how to grade comics
Research local comic dealers
Don't trust dealer reviews
High-end comics can be auctioned
Most 80s and up comics will be in great condition.
Don't overvalue your comics
Don't arrange if value is low
Price guides are unreliable
It is expensive to sell comics at big conventions
Don't fall for mailing scams
If someone is offering too much then be suspicious
Look for notable titles
'Shiny' comics aren't valuable
Be careful handling comics
Don't call any comic 'rare'
Grading comics can be hard
Get free comic appraisals
Call local comic experts
Don't accept PayPal
Lower your expectations
Lose any sentimental value
Remember to negotiate
Find any free comic advice
Shop around
Don't auction your collection
Try to sell your comics in bulk
Superhero comics are best
Marvel comics are best
'Key' comics are good
Most comics aren't key issues
Comic boxes are heavy
Lift boxes with your legs
Bulk consignment is hard
1940s comics are easy to sell
Westerns aren't popular
Check if your comic is a reprint (very common)
Grade effects price
Some comics are investments